"My passion for writing and love for travelling, shopping, music not to mention joyful eating, blissful baking and everything that comes in between... are all addends of MY FOOT NOTES"

Tuesday, October 09, 2012



     I only had a 2 week notice since I've gotten the news about the PET BLESSING in EASTWOOD from a friend and we did not have any second thoughts of not attending... It was something that we've been meaning to do with OUR PLAYFUL YORKIE since we got him last July.
   And so made sure that Ikie's vaccination before the Blessing was up to date. We even had a grooming done 2 days before October 7 came...
Finally... Sunday!!! OCTOBER 7, 2012!!! In commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi, The Patron Saint of Animals, Eastwood City held its 8th annual PET BLESSING in partnership of PAWS ( Philippine Animal Welfare Society )
     Registration started at 12 noon but we did not intend to be there that early anyways, it would really strain Ikie's energy if we did! We arrived at 3PM, not much of a crowd though they said the program or the procession would start by 4PM. It drizzled and so there was a bit of a delay... (good thing, since my allergy struck once again... I had an itsy bitsy of my time to rest before the MASS and the BLESSING started)    
                                              Our Playful Yorkie: IKIE BOY

      This was my first ever DOG EVENT that I attended to during adulthood. Since I attended Catholic School, every year we celebrated St. Francis Day and a PET BLESSING every 4th of October and we were kind of required to at bring our HOUSE PETS.  I remembered bringing DapDap (our pet dog when I was in gradeschool) and Muning (the pet cat I adopted back in 5th grade, she was the li'l kitten of my LOLA's dearest cat) during one one of the celebrations back in the days. Me and my then one and only sissy Brev even asked DAD to get us lovebirds just to be able to have a pet to be blessed...
     At almost 6PM probably, the MASS finally started celebrated by Fr. Joey Paras and accentuated by 92AD Chorale. During Offertory, we were serenaded by the angelic voice of Jonalyn Viray's rendition of  Bless the Beasts and the Children.
A blessing in the park

I will cherish you and care for youThe way God intended for Man to care for all His Creation
I promise that you will not feel hunger,
Fear, nor pain.
That I will not give you up in times of sickness,
The way that I know you will stand by me all the days of my life.
I will not confine you to a cage or leash
I will provide you with exercise and companionship
I will be responsible for you in a way
That my fellow human beings will not be angry at you
Nor punish you for roaming in the streets
You are God’s gift to me and to my family



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